Audio Network - send data over sound in JavaScript

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Generic settings

Separate sines

Final signal - sum of all sines from above and white noise

Samples from final signal that fits the window

Window function

Samples from the window after applying window function

Frequency domain - output of Discrete Fourier Transform

Sample per period
Hz (assuming sampling rate )
Constellation diagram

Constellation diagram shows two things at once - amplitude in decibels and phase of the selected frequency bin. If point is far away from chart origin it means that signal is strong, if near origin it means that signal is weak. Position of point on the circle tells about phase.

In this example phases are displayed as hands on clock.
At the top (12 o'clock) we have phase offset equal to 0 degrees (or 360 degrees since it's the same). Values goes clockwise so point on the far right side will have 90 degrees phase offset (3 o'clock), point on the far bottom will have 180 degrees phase offset (6 o'clock) and so on.

To test that please select frequency bin with peak amplitude and try to manipulate phase of that sine from 'Separate sines' section.

Frequency bin explanation

This section explains how selected frequency bin (via 'Frequency bin index to explain' field) was computed. Only iterations were presented because of performance reasons. To compute one frequency bin of course we need to loop thought all iterations!

Below you can pick which of those iterations are presented. When window function is enabled then it makes much more sense to look for iteration somewhere in the middle of window. Edges are just almost zeroed so you will not find anything interesting there...

Data samples zoom:
Iteration details